Relying on just usernames and passwords to secure your online accounts is no longer considered safe. Data breaches occur daily and hackers are always inventing new ways to take over your accounts. Protect yourself by enabling two-factor authentication (2FA). This blocks anyone using your stolen data by verifying your identity through your device. Enable 2FA now to protect your accounts online.

Before addressing the question “what is two-factor authentication?” or “what is 2FA?” let’s consider why it’s essential to do everything you can to improve your online account security. With so much of our lives happening on mobile devices and laptops, it’s no wonder our digital accounts have become a magnet for criminals. Malicious attacks against governments, companies, and individuals are more common. And there are no signs that the hacks, data breaches, and other forms of cybercrime are slowing down!

Luckily, it’s easy for businesses to add an extra level of protection to user accounts in the form of two-factor authentication, also commonly referred to as 2FA.

There are many multi-factor authentication processes. “Authy” is a 2FA app that we use for many of our programs here at ACTSmart.  We use it to access the program that runs our business, our accounting software, and many others that contain sensitive information.

Push Notification for 2FA

Rather than relying on the receipt and entry of a 2FA token, websites and apps can now send the user a push notification that an authentication attempt is taking place. The device owner simply views the details and can approve or deny access with a single touch. It’s passwordless authentication with no codes to enter and no additional interaction required.

By having a direct and secure connection between the retailer, the 2FA service, and the device, push notification eliminates any opportunity for phishing, man-in-the-middle attacks, or unauthorized access. But it only works with an internet-connected device, one that’s able to install apps too.

Also, in areas where smartphone penetration is low or the internet is unreliable, SMS-based 2FA may be a preferred fall-back. But where it is an option, push notifications provide a more user-friendly, more secure form of security.

Our Password Manager, Passly, has its own 2FA authenticator to keep your passwords more secure. It even has a “fail-safe” secondary password in case your phone is not available.

Yes, 2FA is an extra step and takes a few moments longer, but as a friend of ours recently found after her Amazon account was hacked, it takes a lot longer to recover from a hack than it does to take the extra step.

Contact Info:

David Snell,
332 Main Street
Wareham, MA 02571
855-WOW-Service ● 781-826-9665