Office Managers Society is a resource for information and advice to help you enhance your management skills and find ways to save your business money. Even if you’ve been managing for years, you’ll find resources and guidance to help you through these challenging times.



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You’re ready for the upgrade… what’s holding you back?

Still not upgraded your business to Windows 11? You’re missing out, and what for?
It’s free to upgrade and easy. Find out more here.

This Month’s Newsletter:

September 2024– In This Issue:

  • Hackers Probably Have Your Social Security Number from a Massive Breach
  • Benefits of Blogging on Your Business Website
  • Updating Your Policies: The “Crown ACT”
  • Scam Alert! The Fake Bank Call Scam
  • And More

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Safeguard Critical Documents
And Valuables

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September Infographic