Over the years, you have heard us talk about repurposing content. If you’re unclear, repurposing can look something like this.

First, write a press release and issue it to local media and editors at niche publications. The release will be much like an article, covering the five W’s—who, what, when, where and why. The release will be fact-based with some promotional language perhaps in the release’s quotes.

Second, you could use the content from that release to create an e-newsletter. The tone might change to a bit more conversational. You should use the word “you” more. And if you want to thump your chest about the great product, service or news you’re bringing to you audience, go for it.

Next, the content for the newsletter could be used as a blog post on your website. The tone may be okay to use as is. You will want to tweak the content and strategically add keywords and keyword phrases to give the blog post some SEO value.

Once you have posted to your website, you will want to promote the blog post on your social media pages. You will need to draft some enticing copy and then link back to the blog post on your website. It could be the headline for the blog post, or you can come up with something even snappier.

Back to our first step—the press release—you can use any coverage you get from that in your social media. You could even reference the coverage in your blog post and newsletter article.

As you can see, you can get a lot of mileage from one press release. Similarly, you could find you have enough news in a blog post or newsletter article to create a press release and see if you can get some coverage.

During the pandemic, content is still king. Even more so. With a steady stream of content, you let current customers and your network know you are still in the game. Repurposing is a way to produce a healthy amount of content for all your media channels.

If you need some assistance in getting your content generation efforts off the ground, drop us a line.