What, exactly, is this charger for??

Have you ever picked up a cord or charger and thought “what the heck is this cord for?”  The speed of technology has increased dramatically in just a few years.  As a result, we’ve upgraded our tablets, computers and phones so many times that we are left with a jumble of cords and wires we can’t identify and are terrified to throw out “just in case”.  So, what’s a first good step to organizing your technology jumble?  Start by labeling your current technology.  Using a label maker or masking tape, create a label.  Use simple names like “Lisa’s iPhone”, “Conor’s Kindle”, “Brett’s MAC” – you get the idea…Don’t be afraid to over tag – it’s better to have more tags than not.  As an added step to managing and organizing your technology tangle, create a “technology box”.  Store spare cables and plugs, extra headphones, a travel technology kit – whatever you need most frequently.  And keep the box in one spot in the house or office.   This will eliminate the hunt for an extra charging cord or new headphones when needed.  Now, what about the mystery cords lurking in desks, drawers and baskets all over the house?

Got cords?

Step one – gather all the cords, chargers, techno-stuff together.  Be sure to check kids’ rooms too – technology will migrate there as your kids get older.  Don’t forget all the learning and educational toys your child once used.  The Leap Frogs, learning tablets and the like might not be in current use but are likely still hanging around and the cords might be separated from the device. Then one by one, try to figure out which device the cord goes with.  Hint – check the battery plug.  The plug will often have the manufacturer’s name on it.   Do your best to figure out what goes with what but don’t obsess.  If you haven’t missed it recently, it’s unlikely you’ll miss it in the future.

DON’T throw those unneeded and mystery cords and chargers in the trash – techno trash is a real problem.  Take them to Best Buy or Staples and drop them off for proper recycling.

Lisa Dooley
Organizing Coach
Your Organized Life|
Author of More Space. More Time. More Joy!  