By Safer Places
Social Media Searches
; we know you’re doing them! But, should you? Scouring Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and more can be time consuming. Is the information garnered worth the effort? Can you legally use a disturbing Tweet or an offensive Facebook post as a reason not to hire an otherwise qualified applicant? Is an applicant who posts disparaging remarks about their current employer, someone you want to add to your payroll? What about someone who posts an image of themselves using illegal narcotics, violent or sexually explicit images or hate speech?
On the flip side, can an applicant who is __(fill in the blank)__ (a minority, gay, pregnant, in the military, Muslim, Jewish, etc.) claim you discriminated against them because you saw a particular post on Instagram? This is a FAST, 30-minute discussion on the pros and cons of social media screening as part of the background check process.

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